How Much Is 100 Dollars In Naira Today? | Black Market Exchange Rate


Do you want to exchange or convert 100 USD to naira and wondering how much is 100 dollars in naira today? Or have you been having doubts and want to know how much is $100 dollars in Nigeria now?

If so, this article will reveal everything you need to know about the USD to NGN exchange rate and the current exchange rate of $100 in Nigeria, both the CBN rate and the black market rate. So how much is 100 dollars in naira 2024? See the real exchange rate below.

The exchange rate between the United States currency and the Nigerian currency is important to know especially when it comes to the black market and Aboki fx dollar to naira rate.

If you are into online forex trading or about to carry out some online transactions, then it is good to know what today’s exchange rate is. So how much is $100 dollars in Nigeria now? Below are the real mid-market exchange rate and the Aboki FX rate. We compare the US Dollar and the Naira Bank rate vs the black market rate/parallel market.

How Much is 100 Dollars in Naira Today?

How much is 100 US dollars in Nigeria now? As of today, 100 United States Dollars equals 76,700 Nigerian Naira.


The Nigerian currency has depreciated over the past decades when compared to other major currencies like the United States dollar. The exchange rate between the Nigerian naira and the United States dollar fluctuates constantly.

As the market ebbs and flows, the Nigerian naira still remains relatively low when looking at the exchange rates for today’s date. The rate has been trending downwards over the past few weeks.

So how much is the exchange rate of $100 in Nigerian naira at the black market (parallel market) and the aboki fx? Below is the real exchange rate of $100 US dollar to naira black market.

100 Dollars to Naira Black Market Rate Today

How much is 100 dollars in naira black market today? 100 dollars to naira black market rate is 89,500 naira as of today. 100 USD to NGN black market rate is shown in the table below.

100 Dollars to Naira (USD to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate 88,500
Selling Rate 89,500

Please note that the Central Bank of Nigeria does not recognize the black market (parallel market) and advises those interested in Forex or other online transactions to contact their respective banks before carrying out their transactions.


100 Dollars to Naira CBN Exchange Rate

Currency Exchange Rate Today Change
   100 USD NGN 76,700 0.01%

The exchange rate of 100 dollars to naira black market as of today is different from the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Nigeria and other commercial banks across the country.

The CBN exchange rate is the rate at which you can buy or sell dollars for naira on the Central Bank of Nigeria official website, while the parallel market or black market exchange rate is the rate at which you can buy or sell dollars for naira on popular websites like

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) exchange rate for dollars is always lower than the black market exchange rate for dollars. That is why many students, businesses, and forex investors opt-in for the black market exchange rate.

The above is the current exchange rate of 100 USD to NGN today 2024 both the black market rate (parallel market), FX market exchange rate, and the CBN rate.

As stated earlier, the naira fluctuates in value on a daily basis against other currencies. So in order to stay updated on the current exchange rate between the United States dollars and the Nigerian naira, we advise you to keep visiting this website regularly. And before carrying out an online transaction, be sure to check for the current exchange rate.


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